April 2008

Standing committee meeting gatwick april 2008

Fourteen member sections were represented at the Spring meeting. The following items of general interest were covered.

Members were advised of the sad death of Kees van den Tooren(Netherlands) an early member of EFSA.

Formation of a new section in Luxembourg was advised and membership confirmed. Formation of sections in the Canary Islands and the Faroe Islands are proceeding. As yet progress in Spain and the Ukraine is slow.

An increase in Standing Committee Delegates allowance was approved.

Late Record Claims submitted by a section were approved, but in future they will be refused. Claimants may submit claims direct to the HQ Fish Recorder to avoid delays.

Subject to approval at the AGM in Cobh the following Constitution changes will occur.

  1. The current position of President will be abolished, and in future the post of Chairman will be designated President/Chairman.
  2. The AGM will cease to be a separate event, but will follow the Standing Committee Meeting at the Championships. Attendance will be open to all members. The only items on the agenda will be Approval of Accounts, Election of Officers, Constitution Changes, Election of Patron/Hon. Life Members. Various amendments were made to clarify fishing rules.

It was confirmed that Power Assisted reels may be used in events where they are so designated, but they are excluded from Championships, and for record claim purposes.

The 2010 Line Class & Boat Championships were confirmed to be in Dalvik, Iceland from 11th – 15th May.

The 2009 Species Championship is in Plymouth, England from 28th – 30th May, target species Conger.

Proposals are required for the 2010 Game Championships, and the 2011 Line Class & Boat Championships.
Norway anticipate applying from the 2012 Line Class & Boat Championships

The next Standing Committee Meeting will be in Cobh, Ireland on 16th August 2008.