EFSA Record Application Form
Line Class & All Tackle Record Claim
Here below you can find information regarding the submission of a Line class and all tackle record claim.
1. Click the link below to download the application form (excel)
2. Fill in the form on your computer leaving the “DECLARATION OF ANGLER” empty
3. Print out the form
4. Fill in “DECLARATION OF ANGLER” section by hand
5. Complete payment via Paypal to account EFSA Headquarters – bowdenkim610@gmail.com
6. Prices are as follows: 20 euro for EFSA members, 30 euro for non EFSA members (application fee included).
7. Send the application with a sample of the line used to Neil Cottington at Pear Tree Cottage, 1A Church Lane, Portesham, Dorset, DT34HB, England.