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Officers Report SCM2025
EFSA Offices Reports. EFSA SCM/AGM 1 st March 2025. The EFSA Standing Committee Meeting (SCM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2025 wereheld on Saturday 1 st March in Richmond, London at the London Welch Ruby Club and started at14.00. Representatives...
Results – European Boat and Line Championships, Weymouth 2024
EFSA England hosted the 2024 Championships at Weymouth with the welcome andopening ceremony being held at the Rembrandt Hotel on Sunday 8 th September. Achance to catch up with old friends and get the latest information on the event. Itwas...
The Specimen award
In 2024 EFSA introduced the EFSA Specimen Fish Award Pins. These are lapel pins, 22mmdiameter, Blue for Boat, and Green for Shore. The objective is to promote the targeting oflarger fish other than line class or record fish which can...
EFSA supplies
In the subsite Supplies/Tackle under EFSA supplies you can find all the items that are for saleto the members of EFSA. There are pictures of the items and the prices. Contact Hans-Juergen Glaeser EFSA Supplies Officer to order and pay...
EFSA Annual General Meeting and Standing Committee Meeting 2025
The EFSA spring SC meeting and AGM will take place on Saturday March 1st in LondonWelsh Clubrooms, Richmond, London, England. Commencing at 2pm (14.00) London time.Meeting documentation will be sent out to the Sections in due course. Please let EFSAGeneral...
Section News
From local meetups to international gatherings, our Section News brings you closer to the action, no matter where you are.
On March 29, 2019, the governing bodies of EFSA Portugal were elected for the four-year period 2019-2023.
The winning list aims to boost the achievement of the goals and objectives set out in the Statutes of EFSA Portugal, with the driving force behind the defense of oceans and marine species in favor of a Clean Sea. It...
BigGame Open 2017 Marlins and Tunas
Azores – São Miguel Island / Ponta Delgada • September 8th – 13th 2017 EFSA Portugal will hold an open tournament and invites teams from EFSA sections to participate in it. The tournament will have three days of fishing, on...
XXV Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba Anniversary Regatta
Dear Member of EFSA It pleases me very much to greet you on behalf of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba and on my own, as well as to wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Prosperous and Happy...
EFSA Iceland Open 2017
Olafsvik • May 25th – 27th 2017 EFSA Iceland Open 2017 will be held Thursday 25th May to Saturday 27th May from Olafsvik, West-Iceland. First two days of fishing for species and the third day fishing for big Cod and Coalfish. EFSA Iceland...
EFSA 400 club
EFSA 400 Club
Back in 2022 we agreed to introduce the EFSA 400 Club specifically to generate extra funding for worthy initiatives such as getting junior anglers fishing in our European events.
Official EFSA Supplies
EFSA Supplies
EFSA Partners & Sponsors
EFSA Commercial Partners

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