XXV Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba Anniversary Regatta

Dear Member of EFSA

It pleases me very much to greet you on behalf of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba and on my own, as well as to wish you and your family  Merry Christmas and Prosperous and Happy New Year.

I consider the occasion appropriated to inform you that next year this Cuban nautical institution, which is a bastion rescuing the history and Cuban nautical traditions and also a sanctuary of love and friendship among the members of the international nautical community and the lovers of the sea and recreational sailing, will be arriving to its 25th Anniversary, for this reason a wide schedule of nautical events and social activities will be celebrated. It would make us happy if you accept the invitation to participate in the Nautical Parade and in the XXV Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba Anniversary Regatta, on May 20th, and the party on May 21st, with which we end the celebrations.

Waiting for your answer, I take the opportunity to renew my greetings and express my sincere wishes of happy holidays and a new year with plenty of love, well being and prosperity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commodore Escrich

Contact: yachtclub@cnih.mh.tur.cu

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