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More about EFSA HQ

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum fringilla dolor ut elementum. Vivamus ac arcu non velit ornare varius ac nec nisl. Curabitur suscipit pellentesque semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed orci turpis, pulvinar id aliquet dignissim, rhoncus a arcu. Cras porttitor efficitur faucibus. Morbi nec mi vitae urna lacinia placerat ac et justo. Pellentesque sodales mauris a sodales facilisis. Morbi id leo iaculis, fermentum sem quis, rutrum velit. Ut condimentum nunc ut lobortis vulputate. Donec sed nulla fermentum, varius quam ut, vehicula metus. Nullam dui massa, consequat non. The objects of the Federation, as laid down at the time of it’s formation and still in force today, are to promote the sport of sea angling and maintain the list of European Sea Fish Records, and to keep a watching brief on all commercial fishing activities in European waters. One of our rules, which we are proud of because it was ahead of its time when promulgated in 1961, and which we still enforce, is that the Federation shall have no restrictions or limitations based on race, colour or creed. One of the functions of the Federation is to stage the European Sea Angling Championships. These championships have been held annually since 1962 and are held in a different country each year.