Welcome to 2020! I hope all of you and your anglers have had a good start to the year. This e-mail is just a reminder of what this year has in stock for us – please share and spread the...
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type...
To download the results click here: Individual results Ladies Seniors results National Teams Executive 4 man Teams results 2 Man Open Teams results 4 Man Open Teams results
As per the brochure there will be a 2 day Line Class event within the Boat Championship. The line supplied in the registration pack will be 250 yds of 30lb braid not 35lb as stated in the brochure and will...
These pictures show EFSA President Horst Schneider and his two grandsons wearing brand new garments with our newly designed EFSA Logos: the summer dress shirt along with casual T-shirts (black or white). For further information or to place orders please...
On May 11th EFSA Germany held their AGM in the city of Nierstein along the river Rhein. Apart from the usual agenda items one of our well known anglers, Dietmar Grassau, received a memento for 25 years of membership in...
The winning list aims to boost the achievement of the goals and objectives set out in the Statutes of EFSA Portugal, with the driving force behind the defense of oceans and marine species in favor of a Clean Sea. It...