Libby Walker obituatory

Libby Walker worked tirelessly for EFSA Scotland at both section and headquarters level and her contribution to their running was enormous. As a member of our Executive attending major events she was the epitome of an EFSA member in immaculate uniform and expected nothing less from the Scottish contingent. She served as our chairperson and as our secretary and was also one of our Standing Delegates attending HQ meetings in the 1980’sand 1990’s. She became the HQ Festival Officer for Boat and Shore and held that post from 2000 to 2006, overseeing all the major Boat and Shore events run under the EFSA banner. She was a stickler for detail and will be remembered by some for her very detailed minutes of meetings. AND, her memory was impressive!

Libby was EFSA Scotland’s secretary for over 20 years until she retired. When I succeeded her in 2005, I did so with some trepidation! Even after she retired, she was always available to supply details of members from her card index system and I’m sure it was secretly kept updated.

For me, Libby was always there. I am sure that that feeling will be echoed by the majority of our members and members of sections throughout the Federation who knew her.

We’ll miss you Libby

Ian MacGregor


EFSA Scotland

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