Massimo Brogna has been appointed as Board of Trustees member of the International Game Fish Association

The EFSA Executive member and Game Championship Officer Massimo Brogna from Italy, will serve the IGFA

Board of Trustees for the next four years. Brogna (first from left with IGFA’s Secretary and Historian Michael Farrior and the other new Trustees Andy Mill from USA) has been appointed during the last Meeting of the Board held in Dania Beach ,Florida at IGFA Headquarter last January 29th , 2016. IGFA Representative for Italy since 2002 , Brogna has been one of the most active in promoting Recreational fishing in Europe. Among the others he will join also both the Rules and Conservation Committee. Actually is the third European member of the Board with French  Pierre Affre and Michel Marchandise from Belgium.


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