Message from EFSA General Secretary

Welcome to 2020! I hope all of you and your anglers have had a good start to the year.
This e-mail is just a reminder of what this year has in stock for us – please share and spread the word.
  1. It all kicks off on April 25 with our Standing Committee meeting at the Copthorne Hotel London Gatwick, Copthorne Way, Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3PG, United Kingdom (tel +44 20 3966 8654). Delegates are required to book their accommodation themselves. HQ will meet on the Friday evening before the SC.
  2. EFSA Netherlands run the European Big Game Championships – May 11th – 14th 2020, Cape Verde, Mindelo. 18 teams have entered the 2020 event – 3 teams in reserve. It looks like going to be a top class championship!
  3. From August 9 to August 14 we will be fishing the EFSA European Boat Fishing Championships in Helsingør, Denmark. Headquarters will be the Hotel Marienlyst, Nordre Strandvej 2A, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark (tel. +45 49 21 40 00). We will have our SC meeting and AGM on the 9th (HQ officers meeting on the 8th). Fishing will be 4 days commencing on the 10th. Please check out for details and for the entry form.
  4. The 2020 EFSA European Species will now be for Black Bream out of Weymouth, England, on 18th and 19th September, the boats are all booked and arrangements are under way. Brochure to be available by mid-February.  It will be sent electronically to all sections as well as being made available on the EFSA England and EFSA HQ websites.
  5. Our EFSA Shore championships are going to bring us back to Ireland to Kilmuckridge, Ireland  28/10 –  31/10/2020. Brochure to be finalised and distributed by the end of January. For those of you on Facebook Warren has published an early draft there in the group ‘EFSA’.
  6. A quick peek into 2021:
    1. Jigging Festival 19th to 23rd March 2021 Portugal
    2. Iceland Boat Species 2021  20th May to 22nd May
    3. Section Portugal Algarve, Portugal 2021
    4. Cobh, Ireland, 2nd or 3rd week of September
As you can see there is a lot going on in EFSA and it would be great if you and your sections could support all of these events!
Regards and hopefully see many of you soon!
Marcus Wüst
EFSA General Secretary
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