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OPES Italy surfcasting organisation becomes EFSA affiliated member
For more details about OPES click here
New President/Chairman and General Secretary of EFSA elected
After 26 years of service in Head Quarters Horst Schneider was standing down as President/Chairman of EFSA. On April the 17th 2021 the Standing Committee and AGM elected Marcus Wuest from section Germany as new President/Chairman. Marcus has been holding...
EFSA Russia to celebrate it’s 15 years anniversary
On April 22nd, 2021 EFSA Russia will be celebrating it’s 15th anniversary since becoming the EFSA Family full member. The slide-show dedicated to this event can be seen using the following link: Click here (right click to download).
The EFSA European Championship Big Game 2022 in Mindelo, Cape Verde
Dear all, On behalf of the European Federation of Sea Anglers (EFSA) I would like to thank you all for agreeing with the decision to postpone the European Championship Big Game Fishing/PENN Challenge to next year. The decision is a...
EFSA European Shore Angling Championships 2021, Kilmuckridge, Co. Wexford, IRELAND — September 29th — October 2nd.
To download the event brochure click here To download the event report click here
EFSA Shore 2020 Championships Update
After much deliberation and with heavy hearts the Executive of EFSA Ireland have unfortunately been forced into the decision that the 2020 Shore Championships scheduled for October in Wexford must be cancelled. This has come about due to several occurrences...
Dear EFSA family & friends,
Each of you will, at this point, have felt the effects in one form or another, of the global pandemic Covid-19 virus. Thankfully for many the consequences of the virus has meant nothing more than the inconvenience of having to...
The European Boat Championships 2020 entry dates update
Section Denmark have issued the following statement: Regarding the European Boat Championships from the 10th to the 14th of August 2020! The Danish delegation has decided, as a result of the Corona/Covid19 situation, to change the closing date for receipt...
EFSA European Species Championship (Bream), Weymouth, ENGLAND, 18th to 19th September 2020
THE EVENT WAS CANCELED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS CONSTRAINS Click here to download the Brochure: EFSA Bream 2020 species championship Click here to download the Entry Form: EFSA European Species 2020 EntryForm