EFSA Offices Reports. EFSA SCM/AGM 1 st March 2025.
The EFSA Standing Committee Meeting (SCM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2025 were
held on Saturday 1 st March in Richmond, London at the London Welch Ruby Club and started at
14.00. Representatives from five Sections attended the meetings. At the SCM past
championships and future championships were discussed and the EFSA Officers reports were
presented. Next year (2026) the Boat and Line and the Game Championships will be held in
South Africa. The Shore Championships will be held in Langeland, Denmark and the Species
Championships will be held from Landskrona, Sweden. At the AGM the accounts of the EFSA
Sea Angling Federation for 2024 were approved.
Dear fellow EFSA delegates.
It has been pretty much half a year since we last came together in this format in Weymouth last year.
A lot has happened since. Mainly we went life with our new website incorporating most of what was
suggested back in September. I hope people like it and are beginning to use it as well. Thanks go to Thorir
for doing some heavy lifting to get us over the line here.
Apart from preparing our meetings Warren has now also started the work on the new for 2025 electronic
only version of our EFSA yearbook. As always, we are looking for as many as possible adverts into it. If
you have good quality interesting pictures that you would like published there, please send them to
Warren. Kim has been taking good care of our financials.
Our specimen award is gathering attention – Neil will talk about this later.
Just this week I visited Hans-Jürgen to bring him what remained in Scotland of our current stock. We were
discussing a couple of very exciting options for supplying EFSA branded merchandise going forward. He
will bring this up in more details in his report.
Memberships of our 400 Club are not as high as I would like it to be. Please advertise this in your
respective sections as I am hopeful that quite a few juniors might be interested in fishing Langeland later
this year and the support we can give them will enable young anglers to attend.
I have been working with all the EFSA HQ officers, Andy, Phil and Lars, to ensure sections coming
forward with proposals to run championships. I believe we are well sorted for 2025 and 2026 – and even
have the one or the other offering for 2027.
Outside of EFSA I have been in contact with both IGFA and Italcanna who will continue their support of
our federation.
I am ending this report with congratulating Phil and John for a very well run EFSA Shore Championships
in Llandudno as well as wishing sections Netherlands, Norway and Germany all the best for this year’s
Marcus Wüst
EFSA President/Chairman
Kingston, 27/02/2025
Review of The Boat and line Championships held at Weymouth
The Championships were excellently organized by EFSA England and with help from Weymouth
Angling Shop and their crew.
The opening ceremony was held on 8 th September.
The prize giving ceremony was held on 14 th September.
Eight boats with 57 anglers participated.
The prize presentation was held at the Rembrandt Hotel. Andy Selby announced the results; the prizes
were presented by the Mayor of Weymouth Councilor Jon Orrell and Marcus Wuest.
Pin winners line class
- Gold pin Mark Smith England
- Silver pin Carl Julien France
- Bronze pin Michael Lorenzen Denmark
Top lady in the Line Class was Jacqueline Luef from South Africa with Torunn Handeland
Norway second.
Pin winner of the Boat Championship
- Gold pin Mark Smith England
- Silver pin Carl Julien France
- Bronze pin Michael Lorenzen Denmark
Top Lady was Torunn Handeland with Jacqueline Luef second.
Top Senior was Paul Hart England with Torunn Handeland Norway second and Barrie Senior
England third.
The National Teams event was won by England A, with Fance second and Denmark third.
Specimen Fish Awards
Best Bream (Longest) – 47 cm, Ray Barron/Francis Couzinet
Best Flatfish (Longest) – TURBOT 59 cm, Richard Russell
Best Ray (Widest at wing) – 61 cm, Martin Hubert
Best Pollock (Longest) – 48 cm, Matt Osborne
Best Conger – 60lb, Martin Hubert
Best Other Fish – John Dory 32 cm, Ockert Theunissen
Most Unusual Catch – Sardine 20 cm, Simon Elgrishi
Review of European Species Championship Langeland 2024
The Championships were excellently organized by EFSA Germany with Thomas, Marcus and
their crew.
Opening ceremony on Sunday evening 6 th October 2024 at Hotel Rudkøbing Skudehavn.
This event was the first competition where competitors would be fishing from self-drive boats
not from charter boats with the target species flatfish.
There were some anglers who doubted the championship because of self-driven boats but it was a
success, and it will not be the last time they will be held in this way.
The presentation took place at Hotel Rudkøbing Skudehavn followed by the gala dinner.
Pin winners Species
- Gold pin Lars Hellum Norway
- Silwer pin Charlie Lara Gibraltar
- Bronze pin Andre Martinsen Norway
The National Teams event was won by
Norway A
England A
Gibraltar A
The top Senior was Gary Geoghan with 182 points.
Biggest Fish Award
The best fish prize was shared between Matt Osborne, Andy Smith and Mark van Wanrooy all
having a 43 cm fish.
Future Championships 2025
Fedje 2025
The EFSA Fedje committee is well organized. More info about this event at the AGM meeting
The committee is working with boats, the try to get so many 4 men boats as possible. They have
things under control.
Accommodation is under control. There will be 90 anglers participating in Fedje.
Species Championships which The Netherlands will be organizing June 2025.
This tournament is well planned. We will fish from 10 men boats with position change each 100
minutes. We will fish for Smoothoud. I am looking forward to fish in Dutch waters in June.
There will be 28 anglers participating in Holland.
Future Championships 2026
Boat and line Championships South Africa in November more info to come.
Species championship (Flatfish) Sweden Landskrona.
Boats will leave from Landskrona harbour.
Fishing area will be Øresund.
Registration and test fishing 18-09-2026.
Day 1 19.09.2026. Boats leave 08.00. back in harbour 15.00.
Day 2 20.09.2026. Boats leave 08.00. back in harbour 15.00.
Price giving and gala dinner 20.09.2026.
Boats will be divided and there will be 100% score system. Fish will be kept alive in water and
counted when the boat change fishing spot. Catch and release.
Future Championships 2027
Denmark is talking about Boat Championships not confirmed yet, more info to come.
Any other proposals from Sections for 2027 and 2028 are welcome.
Oslo 19.02.2025
Lars Hellum, EFSA Boat Officer
Review of Championships held at Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa – 6t h May to 10 th May
The Championships were excellently organised by SADSAA and the Hout Bay Boat Club.
Fishing was only possible on two of the four designated days due to strong winds. Only five
anglers caught fish on the first day, but sixteen anglers caught fish on the second day, with some
anglers catching two or three fish. Twenty-seven anglers from eight sections fished on nine boats.
The event was won by Iceland with a South African Team second and a Barbarian team third.
Future Championships
SADSAA, on behalf of South Africa, are proposing to host the Game Championships in Hout
Bay on 9 th to 13 th November 2026, which is the week after the proposed European Boat
Championships in Struisbaai. The venues are 230 km apart and it would take approximately 3
hours to drive from one venue to the other. The main target species would be Yellowfin Tuna,
and the event would be fished in teams of three. It is proposed that any angler fishing both
championships would be offered a 5% discount. I fully support this proposal.
There are no other proposals to date.
Any other proposals from Sections for 2028 are welcome.
Standing Committee Meeting and AGM 1 st of March 2025 at Richmond, England
Handover / Stocks
On 25.02.2025 I received the third and last delivery of the existing goods. Marcus was so kind to give me
the last 3 boxes on a trip to Germany. The stock values have now been reconciled and adjusted.
Sales 03/24 to 12/24
Goods were sold in Pound Sterling 379,00 and in Euro 75,00.
Handling of events in 2024
The handling of the events in Weymouth, Langeland and Wales went smoothly. I would like to thank the
organizers for their excellent cooperation.
Handling of the events in 2025
The need for medals and certificates for the event in Norway has already been agreed. The required
number of venue bars will be available and ordered in March.
Ordering EFSA clothing online
I am also working on finding the right partner to enable EFSA members to order T-shirts, sweatshirts or
hoodies online and for delivery and payment to be handled directly with the members. It should also be
possible to customize these products. This will be possible in the print process, unfortunately this is not
possible in the embroidery area. To ensure high quality, the EFSA logos are currently being revised by a
graphic designer. Further information on this will follow shortly.
Best regards,
Hans-Juergen Glaeser
Supplies Officer
A new EFSA HQ website, https://efsafishing.org, was formally opened in January 2025.
The content of EFSA HQ website is divided into 11 parts and many subparts. The main parts
consist of: Home, Future Championships, Past Championships and Reports, Records, Gallery,
News, Supplies/Tackle, Contact us, Social Media, Downloads and Fundraising. In the subparts there is text about the subject and some pictures. A detailed description of the main parts and the
subparts was sent out on 13 th January 2025.
At the SC meeting in Weymouth September 2024 a full report was submitted about the work of
the EFSA Subcommittee for the new website. The report described how the work progressed
from February to end of August 2024. It also describes the main aim of the website, i.e. being
responsive (possible to access it from desk computers, laptops and smart phones), easy to use,
fill-out forms, and the reader can easily and quickly find the information required.
At the SC meeting a presentation of the content was made following with answers to questions
from the present delegates. Many proposals for changes were put forward and later used in our
work improving the website. From September 2024 until January this year we continued to add
new content to the website, i.e. fill-out forms, tables, texts, news and more.
Working on a website is a never-finished job as something new must constantly be added to have
the reader’s attention. I am now gathering information about EFSA Species Championships 2001
to 2024 and EFSA Game Championships 1990 to 2024. When the lists are ready, they will be
published in the Trophy Winners subpart as the others Trophy Winners List (Boat & Line, Shore).
The Species Championships list is almost finished but a lot of information for the Game
Championships list is missing. I urge the Sections secretaries and others concerned to send me the
info. Also, we would like to receive more Specimen lists from the sections to be published in the
Record-Sections Specimen List subpart. Now we only have lists from three sections: England,
Iceland and Ireland.
In co-operation with the Supplier Officer an Excel format for ordering EFSA supplies is in the
making. The form will be added to the subpart EFSA Supplies and Downloads.
I stress that it is necessary to let all the members of EFSA know about the new website and its
content and thus increase the viewing and the traffic to the website.
Finally, I would like to thank all the Subcommittee members, members of EFSA HQ and the web
designer for their excellent job and very enjoyable co-operation, making the new website become
a reality.
Reykjavik, 12 th February 2025.
Thorir Sveinsson, EFSA PR Officer.
Standing committee meeting and AGM. Held on the 1st of March 2025 in Richmond,
My report will be short, as not a lot has happened since our last meeting down in Weymouth.
We have had the Shore Championships for 2024 in Llandudno, North Wales. Unfortunately, the
event was very poorly attended, with only thirty-three anglers taking part. This was due to some
regular anglers taking part in interrupting competitions. And it has come to my attention that so
did the fish. On the happier note, we had good weather for the event, and I believe that everyone
attending enjoyed the gala dinner and presentations.
In the upcoming year (2025), section Germany will be hosting the annual championships in
Langeland, and you can see more details about that in the new website.
For the 2026 championships, we will be returning to Section Holland, and returning to the same
venue as was fished in 2023. This being Noordwijk. The dates for the match will be the seventh,
eighth and ninth of May. Again, keep an eye on the new and improved EFSA website for any
further details and inquiries.
As section Wales stands, they would like to apply to host the 2027 championships.
This point concludes my report, and I would like to wish section Germany good luck for their
upcoming championships, this year.
My regards,
Phil Lustig Shore Festival Officer HQ.
for 2025 Standing Committee and AGM.
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen unfortunately there have been no claims submitted for European
line class records or record claims last year that I am aware of.
So, if anyone is aware of any claims from their sections, then please get in contact, E-mail or call
me please as soon as possible. This comes as a bit of a surprise after the work that has been done
and categories that have been opened, with some potential soft targets, in the line class
categories. It may have just been a bad year, as the weather certainly curtailed some of my trips
early in the year.
On a more positive note, the Specimen Award Roll out is gathering momentum.
Currently we have EFSA Ireland, EFSA England and EFSA Iceland on board.
At the EFSA England AGM Andy Smith had the privilege of presenting Richard Russell with the
first Specimen award for a cracking Tope, well over the 157 cm Specimen size caught at the
European Championships at Weymouth last year. Pictures and more details will soon be updated
to the website.
Not to be out done EFSA Iceland have also submitted 2 claims for specimen awards.
A Ling of 159 cm for Gunnar Jonsson and a lovely Cod of 128 cm for Gardar Gestsson a junior
angler. I will be passing on the badges to Thorir who will then be able to present the badges and
upload the pictures to the website.
All the Specimen Award winners will feature on the Website, along with the agreed criteria of the
Specimens for that section country. So, if you are fishing at a championship abroad it will be
worth checking on the host country’s Specimen size criteria, so you don’t miss out.
As stated previously, “The Specimen awards” is all very new, Richards Tope was caught back in
the European Championships at Weymouth, back in September. We applied the 12 month “look
back” so Richards Tope Qualified for a Specimen Award.
I would like to ask all sections to ask their members who also fished these championships to get
in contact if they think they may have had a Specimen fish, as I’m sure I saw 1 or 2 possible
The ultimate idea of the Specimen Awards is to award the Angler for catching a Specimen fish
without the need to “kill to claim” as historically was the case. By taking a simple measurement
and pic, the fish can If the Angler wants to, be released. The criteria of the pictures should also
show this, with the fish intact, without blood, ready to be returned or not as the case maybe. The
new website we must all be proud of, and the content we must look at to ensure it doesn’t cast
EFSA and sea anglers in a bad light. Please consider this when taking pictures please.
In the next few weeks, I will be updating the website with all the Specimen Award information
after my training from Thorir. later today!!
Sections that I am aware of currently working on Specimen Award size lists are EFSA Wales and
EFSA Norway. As EFSA Norway are hosting the next European Championship we are hoping to
have their list of Specimen sizes available for the Championships.
If I have missed any section out, then I do apologise. But please get in contact to let me know
how you are getting on, and if I can be of assistance, please let me know.
Behind the scenes of producing section lists, I would thank Warren, Marcus, Andy and Thorir for
all their work, with the lists we have so far. Lars is looking after Norway’s list and again I offer
my help if required Lars.
That concludes my Fisheries Officer report.
Thank you.