European, EFSA-LTC and British line class record claims
The claim form may be used by ANY angler to claim the capture of a fish of record weight. If the claim is ratified the angler will be recorded as holding the EUROPEAN and/or NATIONAL line class record for a specific line class.
If the angler is also a member of EFSA and/or LTC he/she will also be entitled to any record or award due.
The same form may be used by members of the LTC to claim the capture of a fish of unusually heavy weight, while less than the established all-time record, may yet be the record for the year of that species and entitle the member to enter for the appropriate line class trophies, “Angler of the Year” trophy, or the receipt of a specimen capture certificate. The claim should reach the EFSA or LTC fish recorder as soon as possible and in any event within 60 days after the date of capture. (Some reasonable latitude may be allowed in respect of fish caught in remote areas).
It is the claimant’s responsibility to see that:
1. The species of fish is established
2. The weight of the fish is accurately recorded and a scale certificate is obtained.
3. The required sample of reel line forwarded WITH the claim.
4. The names and address of witnesses to the capture and the weighing-in of the fish are forwarded WITH the claim.
5. All other requirements specified in the rules are complied with.
Clear sharp photographs, colour preferred, of the fish must be submitted. All fins should be extended. At least two such photograph are required. A ruler, graduated scale, or other object of known size (e.g. a coin or matchbox), should rest on or beside the fish and should be included in the photographs.
In the case of skate, rays and other flat fish, photographs must show the upper and underside of the fish. In the case of sharks, a photograph showing the shark’s head and teeth is also required. If possible actual teeth of the shark should accompany the claim. It is recommended that in the case of fish being difficult to identify, that the body of the fish for which the claim is made, should be preserved, either in cold storage or in a formalin solution (one tablespoon of formalin to one pint of water), until the Fish Recorder has expressed his satisfaction with the identification claimed.
Some of the species which are likely to be difficult to identify are Brill, Dogfish, Gurnards, Mullets, Bream, Ray, Scad, Wrasses, Shads, and the less commonly known migratory species.
There is an overall minimum acceptable weight for any specie of 1kg.
The fish must be weighed on accurate scales for which a recent local government certificate of accuracy has or can be obtained. A copy of the certificate MUST be forwarded to the Fish Recorder with the claim. The scales must have been certified within ONE year of the weighing. Claims cannot be accepted in respect of fish weighed on private or club scales for which a current certificate of accuracy is not available, and also for fish weighed on scales inappropriate to the size of the fish, (e.g. fish in the 2-5lbs range weighed on scales weighing up to 100lbs or over and graduated in large divisions). Claims cannot be accepted in respect of fish weighed aboard a boat. Exception to the above, are in countries that have no government agency to test scales. In this case fish must be weighed on commercially tested and used scales, such as those used in Post Offices. In any event the serial number of the scales must be recorded. The signature of the weigh master (who must NOT be the angler or the skipper of the vessel) his/her name, and address, and at least one reliable witness to the weighing must be on the claim form.
At least 30 feet (10 m) of reel line used in the capture of the fish, MUST accompany the claim form. The line submitted must be in good condition, free from fraying, scuffing and corrosion, failing which, the claim may be rejected at the discretion of the Fish Recorder. It is recommended that the line sample be wound onto a spool, such as those used by line suppliers, or wound around a rectangular piece of cardboard, and, regardless of method, the ends should be secured in position with tape so as to facilitate easy removal. Metal lines should be washed in hot fresh water and lightly oiled to prevent any possible corrosion. However packed the sample must be capable of being unwound without damage, e.g. kinks, twist, that would result in insufficient sample for tests and possible rejection of the claim.
1. The completed claim’s form must be signed by the angler and witnesses to the capture and weighing, of the fish. In the case of an angler fishing alone, the declaration and signature should be made in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths.
2. The weigh master and witnesses to the weighing should be persons other than the angler.
3. There may be a delay in obtaining photographs while the negatives are being processed. and, in obtaining the certificate of accuracy for the scales used to weigh the fish. Whilst some delay may be inevitable in some cases, this should not prevent the claim form being completed in every other respect, and submitted with the line sample and scale certificate.
4. All photographs submitted are not returnable and become the property of the EFSA/LTC.
5. As a conservation measure, (1979), Common Skate (raja batis), are suspended from the list of species eligible for claims, and should be returned to the sea with the least damage possible.
6. All claims should be forwarded to the Fish Recorder by the quickest means possible with a S.A.E. EFSA members should send their claims via their own country’s Fish Recorder.