Statement by EFSA HQ

Like many people, we have watched with horror at what has been going on in the Ukraine.
In line with many other sporting bodies, we at EFSA HQ have decided that, in accordance with Clause 11.5 of our Constitution, EFSA Russia should be suspended from EFSA with immediate effect. Therefore no official representation from section Russia will be accepted at our EFSA European fishing events until further notice. This is pending confirmation at the next meeting of the Standing Committee, which is empowered to take any action it deems necessary.
As EFSA we are an individual members association organised through national sections. Russian nationals wishing to participate will have to do so as individuals not displaying any symbols related to EFSA Russia.
Further to this situation the office of the PRO will be from now on and for the foreseeable future, held by Andy Smith (EFSA Game Festival Officer).
Marcus Wuest 
EFSA President
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