In 2024 EFSA introduced the EFSA Specimen Fish Award Pins. These are lapel pins, 22mmdiameter, Blue for Boat, and Green for Shore. The objective is to promote the targeting oflarger fish other than line class or record fish which can...
In the subsite Supplies/Tackle under EFSA supplies you can find all the items that are for saleto the members of EFSA. There are pictures of the items and the prices. Contact Hans-Juergen Glaeser EFSA Supplies Officer to order and pay...
The EFSA spring SC meeting and AGM will take place on Saturday March 1st in LondonWelsh Clubrooms, Richmond, London, England. Commencing at 2pm (14.00) London time.Meeting documentation will be sent out to the Sections in due course. Please let EFSAGeneral...
A new EFSA Headquarters website has been opened. It is a responsive website i.e. you canaccess it by desktop or laptop computers and by smartphones. The website is divided into 11subparts: Home, Future Championships, Past Championships and Reports, Records, Gallery,News,...