EFSA Russia trip to Norway tried to challenge the cod fishing 4 and 8 kg line records

EFSA Russia trip to Norway tried to challenge the cod fishing 4 and 8 kg line records

Weather was usual for these Polar area (far north above the Polar Circle) in March: had to use showels to dig up our 7 m open boats in the Big Adventure fishing camp (Hasvik, Soroya island) in order to be able to go offshore. March – April are the best months for targeting big cod going for eggs delivering from the Russian Barents Sea down to the Norwegian Lofoten islands area in large quantities. The effort paid off and Oleg Bartenev has managed to land the massive 26 kg cod on the ANDE Tournament 4 kg monoline (exceeding the current EFSA record standining since 1984 by almost 2 folds!) while I been lucky to improve the 8 kg line record by 100 gramm lifting nice and fat 21 kg cod on the ANDE Tournament line as well. Both fishes were weighed in on the Hasvik fish factory certifeid scales and new record claims submitted to EFSA fish recorder.
Dmitry Baturin

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