On April 22nd 2017 in Rome the president of C.I.P.S., Mr. Ferenc Szalay met with the president of EFSA, Mr. Horst Schneider accompanied by the respective president for Italy, Mr. Ugo Matteoli and Mr, Massimo Brogna as well as the FIPS Mer General Delegated Secretary, Mr. Gilbert Zangerle and EFSA General Secretary, Mr. Marcus Wuest.
Reason for the meeting was to sign a historic Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations recognising each other’s efforts in promoting the sport of sea angling through their structures and events.
…Both EFSA and C.I.P.S. recognize each other’s efforts in promoting sport fishing through organizing fishing events where anglers meet and contest for titles.
Given the different nature of the structures and participation criteria, as far as sea angling is concerned, EFSA and C.I.P.S. do not compete with each other’s events.
It is still possible, though, for individual anglers being member of EFSA to compete in C.I.P.S. events as long as they qualify through their respective National Federations. Likewise, any qualified anglers of C.I.P.S. can participate in any EFSA event as long as they are individual members of EFSA.…

In a very amicable environment future opportunities for further collaboration were discussed also. All present agreed that the spirit of the MoU signals the start of something new which will benefit both C.I.P.S. and EFSA going forward. Watch this space!