EFSA England angler Colin Searles caught this enormous 155 kg (341 lb 11 oz) Atlantic halibut on April 26th while fishing out of Laukvik, Norway. Colin battled the massive halibut for nearly an hour after the fish hit the jig he was working from aboard the No Problem II, captained by Nigel Hearn. The fish was so heavy that it could not be lifted by only two anglers onboard and had to be pooled along side of the boat back to port for weighing. If approved, the catch will become the new European (the current record – 79,25 kg) and new men’s world (current record – 115,78 kg) 24 kg (50 lb) line class record.
Rod: Fladen Solid Carbon 30 lb
Reel: Shimano Tekota 600LC
Line: Akashi 40 lb braid
Lure: Yann Pirk jig