The meeting was attended by nine sections and the following items of interest were reviewed:
Thanks had been received from the family Fuchs for the memorial plaque.
The Fish Recorder reported that new record claims were few in number, although an exceptional claim was for a 92lb cod caught in Norway.
The supplies officer presented a sample of a new glass gift/trophy which was approved. Sales of the 50th Championship badges were steady, but a stock still remained.
Members were updated on plans for the 2013 Championships in Elsinore, Denmark
Section England confirmed their willingness to host the 2014 Championships in Weymouth.
The 2013 Species Championship was awarded to Italy, fishing for tuna in April, and it was agreed that the 2013 Spring Standing Committee meeting would be held in conjunction with this event.
The 2012 Shore Championship in Iceland had attracted good support and would take place in late September.
Full details of the 2013 Game Championships in Mexico were announced. The venue for the 2015 Game Championships would be Florida, U.S.A.
Section Norway were wished good luck for the forthcoming Championships.
Following the meeting the Annual General Meeting took place, and the following were approved:
Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting.
Audited Accounts of the year to 31st December 2011.
Receipt of reports from Member Sections.
Re-appointment of Chairman, Supplies Officer, Championship Officers.
Confirmation of 2013 A.G.M. in Elsinore on 3rd August 2013